& feast on your life

So it all started when Aru and I were sititng in the cab, happily making our way to school. I was trying to have my forty winks when I felt vibrations and realised only two phone calls later that it was my phone that was ringing. pfft so I wondered, it must be Jody or Persa forgetting their hair bands or this and that and asking if I have extra but no, it was Parisa. MHMM so I answered and so goes the interesting conversation.

Parisa: Are you in school already ?
Me: Nope, not yet. why?
Parisa: Oh, then make a detour and go home!
Me: WHAT WHY :/ But the cab fare would skyrockett
(Aru is looking intently at me)
Parisa: Oh, cause cause one girl at the arts fest was confirmed with H1N1 so you have to be quarrantined.
Nico : WHAT NO ): But im already in schoool.
Parisa: oh, then go to the hall.
Nico: Oh then nvm, I'll go homeeee.

YAY (: So no school for about a week or two hee (: Anyway, I don't even know this girl so oh wells. So, I passed my cheesecake and the recipe to Jean, and Julia was running away from me ahahaha. So, I dreadfully make my way home and went back to hibernate till about now hahah (: OMG and I finished reading my time traveller's wife its so so good :/ And no, im not going to watch the movie cause if I did, I'll probably cry bucketsss. This is probably one of the best novels I've ever read. Thumbs up three times!

Clare, I want to tell you, again, I love you. Our love has been the thread through the labyrinth, the net under the high-wire walker, the only real thing in this strange life of mine that I could ever trust. Tonight I feel that my love for you has more density in this world than I do, myself: as though it could linger on after me and surround you, keep you, hold you. I hate to think of you waiting. I know that you have been waiting for me all your life, always uncertain of how long this patch of waiting would be. Ten minutes, ten days. A month. what an uncertain husband I have been, Clare, like a sailor, Odysseus alone and buffeted by tall waves, sometimes wily and sometimes just a plaything of the gods.Please Clare. When I am dead. Stop waiting and be free. Of me-put me deep inside you and then go out in the world and live. Love the world and yourself in it, move through it as though it offers no resistance, as though the world is your natural element.


There are so many more of these beautiful proses and it just makes you think that Henry and Clare really do exist. OKAY ON A LIGHTER NOTE, IM REALLY HAPPY BECAUSE I READ A GREAT BOOK (:
and and and I really have no idea whats home-based learning so I guess im not gonna touch it. I don't even know where to find it.

Its dark now and I am very tired. I love you, always. Time is nothing
-Henry DeTamble


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