& the smell lingers

Okay, so I got it wrong it wasn't suppose to be 5 informative websites. Anyway I should have thought of that right? I mean why would anyone link the whole wikipedia site? That really is silly of me. Anyway okay, this is where I would make the necessary changes. But before that, let me talk about how SMELLY ground up eggshells are. I swear, they are worse than ten times the intensity of ammonia shoved in your face. Anything but smelling the smashed up eggshells again oh good gracious. Anyhow, yong giwon and I did enjoy ourselves very much. I guess its the good company as well. Peeling egg whites off from eggshells would be a terribly boring thing to do without the company of such funny and nice friends, and of course a really humorous teacher who keeps playing bejeweled. Before that, Julia was saying she plays bejeweled too and that got me thinking. Why do i always not play games that most people play? I play games like Fastest Reaction, the Idiot Test and Typershark and games which hone the most unnecessary skills ever, that boost my ego hahaha. Oh but Im a big fan of Tap Tap hee (: Okay, before I get carried awayyy, the 6 informative sites:

01 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100628075744.htm
02 http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2010/09/26/arts/design/26masdar-graphic.html?ref=design
03 http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/09/090922112209.htm
04 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainability#Environmental_management
05 http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/alex_steffen_sees_a_sustainable_future.html
06 http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/mark_bittman_on_what_s_wrong_with_what_we_eat.htm

Oh which reminds me how ted.com is so wonderful wheee ~ I have some of them on my iphone: some are really boring yawns but some are really intriguing. I like the idea of a platform where people from different walks of life, in different fields of speciality, sharing their ideas and perspective. It really widens our points of view and who knows, closer to the truth? ANYWAY I dont like chinese :(

Its not even that I hate chinese, it is that chinese hates me. I really want to love you dear chinese but can you be less irritating and annyoing with your really hateful characters and workload? Sighs its only a wednesday. I want my weekend to come. And its not even that I get to enjoy them. At least it makes the weekdays more bearable. I hate this feeling.
and gosh I can still smell that egg shells around. I hope chicks don't haunt me in my dreams tonight.


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