hahaaaaa!!!! yay! i finally got to play computer...thinking of guild name for me guild. it's for all the maplers in 6C . well austin says he wanna be guild master which i do not allow him to. unless he pays for emblem which costs 3.4 mil. he claims he has 10mil. saiying and me will be the guild master(: yes! 34% more to zakum! heeheee.. ok. got back my results. it's fairly cool. i like my sitting arrangement! im right at the back. soooo the teacher can't really see me as austin is blocking me. hah! zhen tao broke his arm. im gonna break his another arm.(: okay. tat's not exactly a good thing. i miss ragnarok. my 'husband' must have divorce me. haha... well tat's not exactly my fault cuz the server is updating so i got no chance at all to play. holiday's coming upp and i bet there'll be lots of homeworks... okay. gtg mapling. byeeeeeeeee


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